Turning Water Utility Pain Points into Meetings

Update: WatrHub is now Citylitics

Citylitics Marketing

Citylitics Marketing

In every Precision Targeting Report WatrHub delivers, we include a data field called the “Trigger Extract.” Trigger Extracts are pieces of information pulled directly from a utility source document such as municipal budgets, master plans or council meeting minutes. Within these extracts are information about the project, problems the utility is trying to solve, budgetary estimates and other key insights.

Trigger extracts provide valuable information, but failing to effectively communicate with the utility can prevent the data from being fruitful. We used the key strategies outlined in our blog 4 Proven Ways to get Email Responses from Water Utilities to craft email messages for 3 trigger extracts in our database. This quick-read illustrates the type of messages that would promote interest, and eventually meetings, from a water utility.

The above emails are tailored to each utility; they reference the utility pain point and how a typical water company can provide a solution. There is an introduction, a logical connection as to why the person is reaching out to the prospect, and a call to action at the end. The sender has also referenced either the utility or the pain point in the subject line, rather than their own product or solution. They have made the entire reading experience relevant to the recipient and focused on their needs.

We encourage you to deploy this prospect-centric strategy and watch your calendar fill up with utility meetings!

Want to put this to the test? Request a free sample report at http://sample.watrhub.com to receive a custom data set and see how you can leverage WatrHub data to turn water utility paint points into meetings.

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