Our Data Coverage on Public Infrastructure Marketplaces
Expands Every Day

Leverage insights across nuanced infrastructure markets to drive business growth.


The Broadest, Deepest Data Capabilities in Infrastructure Markets

Industrial Facilities


Water Infrastructure Facilities

Wastewater Infrastructure Facilities

Roads and Highways

Public Transportation

Many More Infrastructure Markets

Data-driven Competitive Advantage Across Infrastructure Markets For Industry Professionals



Identify cities & utilities in need of water treatment & distribution technologies, engineering services, or construction services. This includes new equipment, equipment upgrades, PFAS, design engineering services, master plan studies and more.


Identify cities & utilities in need of wastewater treatment & collection technologies, engineering services, or construction services. This includes new equipment, equipment upgrades, new wastewater discharge requirements, design engineering services, master plan studies and more.


Identify cities and transit agencies in the early stages of planning for roadways, bridges and other capital projects related to public transit, aviation, rail, tunnels, multi-model transportation and more.

How Citylitics Data Can Impact Your Business

Identify municipalities and utilities at early stages of infrastructure needs (long before an RFP).

Analyze recent intelligence on a potential customer ahead of a sales meeting or visit.

Monitor existing sales opportunities for key updates to prioritize business development.

Execute targeted marketing campaigns on public entities with most pressing need for your technology or service.


Municipal Facilities


Industrial Facilities


Targeted Contracts


In Annual Sales Opportunities

Start Gathering Impactful Intelligence On Your Customers

“Citylitics provides value in their flexibility and willingness to refine each successive search, to generate more ‘actionable insights’.  The iterative process works and we are increasingly pleased with the quality of results delivered.”

Wayne Pratt, Xylem