Real-Time Data
With the Environmental Monitoring Dashboard (EMD), users can access real-time data on air and water contaminants, hazardous waste, and other environmental issues.
In this video, we demonstrate how to use the EMD’s advanced filtering capabilities to search for facilities by industry and contaminant type.
In this video, we show how to access detailed information about each facility, including its environmental compliance history, violations, and penalties.
In this video, we show how to use the EMD to identify facilities that have been assessed the highest fines for environmental violations.
In this video, we demonstrate how to create a shortlist of facilities and view contact information for each facility.
In this video, we show how to use the EMD to identify facilities that have had the highest number of recent violations.
In this video, we show how to download data from the EMD in various formats for further analysis and reporting.
Thank you for your interest in Citylitics Environmental Monitoring Dashboard (EMD). Our EMD is a powerful tool that allows users to monitor and track environmental compliance and performance of facilities in their area. With EMD, users can access real-time data on air and water contaminants, hazardous waste, and other environmental issues.
Environmental technology, solution providers, consultants, and engineering firms can gain a deeper understanding of the environmental compliance and performance of industrial facilities, which can help them to identify new opportunities for environmental technologies & solutions and make more informed market strategy decisions.
Citylitics Environmental Monitoring Dataset offers a range of features and benefits, including:
- Target Your Lead Generation Efforts: The dataset allows users to shortlist high potential industrial customers for strategic sales campaigns based on industry, region, compliance data, enforcement actions, and environmental discharge data. This helps businesses to focus their efforts on the most promising prospects and improve their chances of success.
- Bottom-Up Total Addressable Market: The dataset provides detailed information on the number of industrial plants that match specific targeting criteria, giving businesses a clear understanding of their total addressable market. This helps businesses to identify and capitalize on new opportunities.
- Identify Opportunity Hot Spots: The dataset offers map views and filters that allow users to identify opportunity hot spots where they need to allocate resources. This helps businesses to understand where they should focus their efforts to achieve the best results.
- Accurate Contact Information: The dataset provides the most relevant and accurate contact information for each facility, maximizing the results from strategic marketing efforts.
- Uncover True Market Needs: The dataset allows businesses to accelerate their strategic initiatives based on true, bottom-up market needs instead of opinions and anecdotes. This helps businesses to make more informed decisions and achieve better results.