Stop Chasing RFPs: How Manufacturers Can Win More Public Infrastructure Projects with Citylitics

Sample Customer Experience ROI

1. Discover Future of Government Spending:

2. Target the Right Opportunities:

When the typical cost to pursue a large infrastructure project is $10,000 or more, improving win rates by tracking opportunities earlier can create significant savings. Suppose your win rate without Early-Stage Sales Intelligence is 12%, and you respond to 50 bids per year. By leveraging Early-Stage Sales Intelligence to boost your win rate to 25%, you could achieve around $78,000 in annual savings on bid responses.

Tracking infrastructure project developments through stages like financing and pre-design, allows teams to anticipate and prepare for emerging opportunities, strategically positioning themselves long before the RFP is publicly released.

3. Build a Robust Pipeline:

4. Win More Projects:

5. Seamless CRM Integration:

6. Maximize MDF ROI:

What type of infrastructure challenges are you targeting 1 to 5 years before RFP?

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