The City of Loveland faces several infrastructure challenges, including outdated roadways and limited funding for repairs and upgrades. The city also has an aging water system, with some pipes dating back to the 1920s, which leads to frequent leaks and breaks. Additionally, the city’s wastewater treatment plant is operating at full capacity and in need of expansion to accommodate the growing population. Finally, the city is working to improve its broadband infrastructure to ensure residents have access to high-speed internet.
Sample Highlights from the Capital Improvement Plan
Project ID
Project Title
Project Start Year
Project Description
Project Spend Total
Page Ref
Project Satus
TRANS – 57th Reconstruction Wilson to Taft
“The 57th Street Reconstruction – Wilson Avenue to Taft Avenue project consists of the reconstruction of approximately 1 mile of 2-lane rural
road to meet current 2-lane Arterial Roadway standard. Due to increasing traffic volumes and poor storm drainage, the existing roadway
requires extensive annual maintenance. Improving this section of roadway will increase safety for the motoring public and allow for
maintenance funding to be utilized in other areas of need. The design phase is planned for 2027 and the construction phase is planned for
2028. Additional project information is available through the Public Works Department. Costs shown are engineering estimates until the
project is bid.”
Not Started
WA-36″ Transmission Line Relining
“The City’s existing 36” steel water transmission main was constructed in 1962 and is showing signs of significant deterioration from
external corrosion. Staff has made numerous repairs and pipe river crossing replacements completed in 2015 have shown significant
external corrosion where the pipe was laid on bedrock and backfilled with native cobbles. In 2016 significant leakage out of the pipe due to
corrosion holes was verified through the use of a free swimming inspection tool. Lining of the deteriorating 36” steel waterline will reduce
risk of catastrophic failure, decrease repairs, reduce water loss, and extend the assets useful life for decades to come.”
Not Started
WA-WTP Backwash Pond #8
“A step in the water treatment process involves the filtering of water. As the water is filtered the filters slowly become clogged. The process
of cleaning the filters backwashing creates backwash water which is pumped to a series of ponds where the sediment, or sludge, can settle
out. As demand at the Water Treatment Plant WTP increases there is need for another backwash pond. The pond project will include
grading, potential import of fill material, concrete placement, and all necessary piping and valves.”
Not Started
WA-WTP Filter Bldg 2 & 3
“Filter Building 2 at the Water Treatment Plant WTP provides over half of the filtering capacity for the City of Loveland. The concrete
housing the filters has aged and portions have become soft, degraded, and there have been isolated leaks. This project will repair the aging
and failing portions of the concrete walls and will include replacement of all filter media, which is required every 10 to 15 years.”
Not Started
WW-East Side Lift Station Overflow
“The East Side Lift Station has an overflow pond situated next to it should there ever be a backup of sanitary sewer flows. It is
the City’s desire to convert this pond into a concrete vault to serve the same purpose. The vault would allow for better
cleaning and less environmental impact in the event of an overflow discharge. The design will occur in 2025. Services
during construction and construction will occur in 2026.”
Not Started
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Citylitics offers access to over 30,000 unique locations across North America through our Capital Projects Dashboard (CPD).
Capital Projects Dashboard (CPD) provides a comprehensive market view of all planned infrastructure spend in one single view with powerful filters such as: population, project value, fiscal year, project status, project description, geography, and more. The dashboard will help identify opportunity hot spots, create data-driven forecasts you can be confident in with bottom-up data for the next 5 years of planned infrastructure spend, and uncover true market needs.
How to Read a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Business Development?
When a city, municipality or state issues a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), it can be overwhelming and daunting, but there are a few key things you need to investigate. Let’s start with the definition of CIP – A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) contains all the individual capital projects, equipment purchases, and major studies for a local government; in conjunction with construction and completion schedules, and in consort with financing plans. The plan provides a working blueprint for sustaining and improving the community’s infrastructures. It coordinates strategic planning, financial capacity, and physical development. A CIP stands at the epicenter of a government’s Planning, Public Works, and Finance departments. When a CIP is issued, it typically includes the following information:
- A listing of the capital projects or equipment to be purchased
- The projects ranked in order of preference
- The plan for financing the projects
- A timetable for the construction or completion of the project
- Justification for the project
- Explanation of expenses for the project
Now, for business development, while the capital plan is interesting, the capital program is for capital expenditures that extends five to ten years beyond the capital budget. Knowing the difference is important so you can influence upcoming program versus just responding to an RFP. If reading the CIP makes your head explode, or you want to save time, Request a Demo of Citylitics CIP dashboard with over 20,000 CIPs from USA and Canada. Citylitics has 20,000 plus available CIPs, how can we help you? What states, cities or counties are you looking to improvement your business development, we can assist you in influencing an upcoming RFP versus simply responding to an RFP. Citylitics Capital Projects Dataset is a comprehensive resource for businesses and organizations looking to track and analyze planned infrastructure spend in their area. The dataset offers a range of features and benefits, including:
- Comprehensive Market View: The dataset provides a single view of all planned infrastructure spend, with powerful filters such as population, project value, fiscal year, project status, project description, geography, and more. This allows businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of the market and identify new opportunities.
- Identify Opportunity Hot Spots: The dataset offers map views and filters that allow users to identify opportunity hot spots where they need to allocate resources. This helps businesses to understand where they should focus their efforts to achieve the best results.
- Create Data-Driven Forecasts: The dataset provides bottom-up data for the next 5 years of planned infrastructure spend, allowing businesses to create data-driven forecasts they can be confident in.
- Uncover True Market Needs: The dataset allows businesses to develop long-term business plans, R&D, and growth initiatives based on true, bottom-up market needs instead of opinions and anecdotes. This helps businesses to make more informed decisions and achieve better results.
With Citylitics Capital Projects Dataset, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of planned infrastructure spend in their area, which can help them to identify new opportunities and make more informed decisions.